Master of Arts in 高等教育 - Blog | 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app

Master of Arts in 高等教育 项目关注的焦点

高等教育 研究生学习 项目关注的焦点

新濠天地app新濠天地app的四个之一 研究生课程高等教育文学硕士. This program prepares students to approach education and vocation by equipping them with a biblical foundation. 在这个项目的整个过程中, students will experience the integration of faith and learning, a comprehensive education in professional standards and practical 研究 methods, and a care for the diverse spectrum of God’s kingdom and creation.

The MAHE program can be taken in three different ways: cohort, self-directed studies, or institute. Students of the cohort model usually take three on-campus classes each semester, typically evening courses to accommodate for working students. Students who choose self-directed studies can take classes at their own pace whenever the classes are offered until they fulfill the degree requirements. 第三, 还有一个选择是新濠天地app, 哪个是为专业人士设计的, and accommodates students who do not live near the college. 采用这种方法的学生需要一周的时间, on-campus courses in the summers and take online courses during the academic year. These three methods allow a variety of students to engage with this program.

MAHE项目包括36个学分. 30 credits are comprised of core classes, and then the other 6 credits are elective. The core classes include various topics such as foundations of learning and knowledge, 高等教育的历史基础, 大学生的成功. The electives can be chosen from a variety of classes such as 居住生活, 咨询和建议, 高等教育的当代趋势, 和教师的职业.

All of the courses in the program are taught by dedicated, experienced professors who wish to see their students succeed. 高等教育新濠天地app包括博士. Henrique Alvim, the program director; Dr. Keith Martel, who teaches several of the foundational courses; and Dr. 特里·托马斯帮助教授几门课程. Every professor in the program is highly knowledgeable in their field and cares about educating their students.

研究生 students also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by working in a 研究生助教奖学金. There are several graduate assistant positions available for each of the master’s programs that are offered. 研究生 assistants work 20 hours per week in their position for 9 months and receive a monthly stipend in addition to a tuition discount. 以研究生助教的身份, students are able to work alongside college faculty and staff in a position that is relevant to their educational focus and vocational interests.

毕业后, students can be prepared to enter a wide variety of fields relating to leadership, 研究, or consulting roles in the world of education. 研究生s are prepared to work in academic advising, 招生, 高校教学, 政策规划, 学生活动, 居住生活, 还有很多其他领域.  Wherever they end up, they will have been well prepared to excel at wherever they are.

Anna Eshelman, 24岁

Opinions expressed in the 新濠天地app的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The 新濠天地app的博客 is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, and contribute to national 谈话s to spark thought, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合新濠天地app作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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